These are all words for an event in which people choose a representative or decide sth by voting.以上各词均表示选举或投票表决。
an occasion on which people officially choose a political representative or government by voting指选举、推选,尤指政治选举:
Who did you vote for in the last election?
an occasion on which a group of people vote for sb/sth指投票、选举、表决:
They took a vote on who should go first.
( journalism ) the process of voting in an election(新闻)指选举投票、计票:
They suffered a defeat at the polls .
an occasion on which all the adults in a country can vote on a particular issue指全民投票、全民公决
an occasion on which a number of people are asked in an informal way to give their opinion about sth指非正式民意测验:
I took a quick straw poll among my colleagues to see how many agreed.
the system of voting by marking an election paper, especially in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held尤指无记名投票选举、投票表决:
The leader will be chosen by secret ballot.
an occasion on which a group of people vote on sth by raising their hands指举手表决
A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth
I took a quick straw poll among my colleagues to see how many agreed .
Many parents wouldn 't dream of buying the stuff for their daughters anyway , as a straw poll among my friends and acquaintances demonstrated .
Three had already withdrawn before Wednesday 's straw poll .
We took a straw poll of voters outside the polling stations .
Still , participants in a recent straw poll in Florida put Cain in first place .
But a straw poll of FTSE 100 executives showed no such concern .
I don 't think we have to win the straw poll but we do have to show some progress .
Mrs Bachmann 's victory in the straw poll is a boost for her campaign .
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin also is visiting Iowa but is not taking part in the straw poll .
My straw poll reveals why : they are frantically filling in questionnaires and participating in online surveys .
Despite low turnout , Mitt Romney says he 's happy with his victory in the Iowa Straw Poll .
The Iowa Straw Poll is an early test of popularity and organizing strength for the crowded field of Republican presidential contenders .
But an admittedly unscientific straw poll of a handful of teachers in Shanghai schools found that this was true for them only in their first year .
Conservatives said this weekend 's Values Voter Summit in Washington throw their support to Senator Ted Cruz in a presidential straw poll .
The Iowa Straw Poll , as the event is known , effectively kicks off the race for the Republican Party 's presidential nomination next year .
A straw poll of local inhabitants in Mediterranean resorts concluded that British tourists were the worst dressed and Italians the most stylish .
His announcement comes as eight existing Republican candidates take part in an unofficial straw poll in Iowa state , which could influence who is eventually chosen to challenge Barack Obama .
Perry finished a disappointing second in a recent straw poll , or test vote , in Florida behind the surprise winner , Georgia businessman Herman Cain .
The straw poll is an unreliable predictor of the winner of the Iowa caucuses , let alone the Republican nomination or the presidency .
According to a straw poll in our office , guys tend to like women stunningly beautiful , low maintenance , forgiving , fun and always in the mood to satisfy any sexual needs .
He placed a distant third in the Iowa straw poll behind a fellow-Minnesotan , Representative Michele Bachmann , and Congressman Ron Paul of Texas .
The government had wanted to do this to prevent its opponents from repeating a stunt from last year , when they engineered by-elections to improvise a kind of straw poll on democracy itself .
At the Ames straw poll in the Iowa heartland last month , Ron Paul , a Republican presidential candidate , was cheered to the rafters when he called for the troops to come home .
It 's happening at the conservative political action conference or CPAC in Washington right now . The group takes a presidential straw poll today . Contenders include rising young stars like Governors Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin .
A straw poll of Roman Catholic priests in half a dozen poor inland parishes , where many residents have left home in search of work , found none who enjoyed a better attendance at Christmas mass because of an early exodus from the coast .